In these private one on one sessions we work together to prepare you for a humanized birth, one that is free of unnecessary interventions, where you are claiming the autonomy of your body and your choices and where you are guided by the cues and acuity of your body wisdom.
My work is through a trauma informed lens and this work is a combination of both somatic practices to bring you into deeper trust and connection with your body as well as more cognitive information and preparation. Most birth courses focus primarily on the cognitive information surrounding birth and bypass the language of the body or sensation. In our sessions together we take time to listen to the language of the body, as birth is part of our primal animalistic nature and cannot be entirely approached through the logical mind, but by its very nature includes the felt senses.
If you desire to include your birth partner in our sessions this is encouraged for some of the sessions.
If we are working together specifically around birth, this work will:
Deepen your relationship with your felt sense of the body, so that you can enter labor and birth from a space of deep trust.
Support the resolution of fear, that might otherwise hinder the birth process.
Prepare you for what to expect throughout the labor process and inform you on all the intricate ways that your body is working to support you in this process, that are often not addressed in birth classes.
Support you in making decisions that are best for you, such as choices regarding where to birth and which provider is right for you.
Support you and your birth partner to feel connected and on the same page when it comes to your birth plan.
Hold space for the exploration of the more intimate and emotional pieces around becoming a mother; in a way that leaves space for transformation, resolution and healing to emerge.
Support the resolution of previous trauma in a gentle and titrated way that allows you to open to the birth process.