Somatic therapy
Our Bodies tell the story of where we have been and offer us uniquely curated wisdom and guidance to support us in moving in the direction we want to go.
Discover Somatic Experiencing: Access Your Inner Wisdom
Where the psyche and the soma come together to birth the seeds that are inside of you
Building Capacity and Resiliency to overcome Trauma and Anxiety
Through the process of unshaming and transformational somatic work, I support men and women in accessing your own uniquely curated body wisdom and guidance system, so that you can move forward from a place of deep self-trust, while accessing more of your aliveness and who you came here to be.
This work is done through a paradigm that holds within it the capacity to resolve and release trauma through the felt sense of the body.
Through this work you will:
Build greater capacity and resiliency within yourself, which in turn generates more freedom and creates new pathways to become more self-actualized in who you really are, emanating out more of your own creative energy into the world.
Grow your self confidence, not from a space of superficiality but from a place of opening to all the parts of self, that might previously have been rejected or hidden and discovering the gold that is there.
Come into a deeper relationship with your felt sense of the body and learn how to read and utilize your perfectly curated guidance system and the wisdom it offers. Through this work you will naturally come more into balance and a symbiotic relationship with self and the world around you.
Support your nervous system in its own capacity to resolve and release the residue of trauma that can keep us from accessing and experiencing all that life has to offer.
Have the opportunity to explore physical and emotional pain in a way that it becomes an ally to your power and authenticity.
Come to know a deep sense of safety in your body that allows you to open to your innate vibrancy.
Who I Work With
Men and women of all ages and backgrounds looking to experience more freedom, internal guidance and joy in their lives.
Pregnant women and couples looking to prepare for the experience of birth.
Women who have experienced trauma in general and specifically birth trauma.
Mind-Body Therapy
I believe deeply in the power and wisdom of our bodies.
Our bodies tell a story and hold within them trilogies of our own and of the generations that have gone before us…..
They offer us profound insight, into the past and hold within them the keys waiting to be turned, opening us to her pure uniquely curated wisdom and guidance.
Our bodies are the archway, fusing the spiritual with the physical made manifest…
Yet most of us, living in a fast paced world that overvalues the cognitive and rational thinking part of the brain, have foregone our access to an entire sensory system, ripe with nuanced information, power and wisdom that goes far beyond the language of words.